Black Belt Testing!!!!!

Hey, this post is about my black belt #1 pre-test. So basically, I have made it to a pre-black belt level in Karate. But before I really become a black belt, I have to pass some really difficult tests. Currently, I am on the first pre-test. So the main requirements of this pre-test is that you have to either run a mile in under 10 minutes, or do something we call the 10-Minute-Drill. It kinda sounds simple, but it DEFINITELY is not. The 10-Minute-Drill is 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 500 different kinds of Karate kicks in under 10 minutes. To be precise on the kicks, you have to do 100 Round Kicks on each leg without touching the ground, 50 Front Kicks on each leg without touching the ground, and 100 Round Kicks on each leg holding on to something. If you put your leg down you start that certain kick on that leg over. If you put your leg down 3 times you're eliminated from that 10-Minute-Drill. If you can't do either, you have to wait half a year to try again.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Well, on Thursday I tried the mile run. On both of them, if you finish them in under 10 minutes you have to do that exercise twice. If you get it in under 8 minutes, you only have to do that exercise once. A lot of IF, don't you think? Well, I tried doing the mile run, and I finished with a time of 8:14! I think if I had ran faster on the first 2 laps I could have made it in under 8 minutes.
                                Me and the other Brown-Blacks getting checked-in for the run

I am planning on going to my second run this Wednesday, and I am going to try finishing in under 8 minutes, just to prove I can do it. Also, the 10-Minute-Drills start on the 13th. Wish me luck! :-)

                                                                       *     *     *

I ran the mile run again just tonight, at 6:30 or so, and I got 8:06! I was so angry about not being able to do it in under 8 minutes, but the more important part is that I did it, and I got exercise from it. It is always good to be fit!


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